By 2050 Germany is to become climate-neutral. No easy task for energy-intensive industries such as the paper industry. In autumn 2019, the foundation stone for the "paper factory of the future" was laid. Now the project Modellfabrik Papier is entering the next phase of realization. This also includes the search for a managing director.
Climate-neutral paper production sounds like dreams of the future. To make sure that it doesn't stay that way, the Felix Schoeller Group and a consortium of strong partners and research institutes are committed to the " Modellfabrik Papier". The declared goal: to rethink paper production with a model factory and to show ways to achieve climate-neutral paper production.
"We are all called upon to make our processes more sustainable in order to protect our environment," says Gerhard Hochstein, Technical Director of the Felix Schoeller Group. "This is not an easy step for energy-intensive industries, but it is economically and socially indispensable," Hochstein continued.
The Felix Schoeller Group is playing a key role in the paper mill of the future. The company has always been committed to harmonizing nature, the environment and sustainable business practices.
Modellfabrik Papier searches for managing director
The consortium partners from the paper and supplier industry are currently founding a gGmbH, which will organize the operation of the model factory paper and the control of the research work as a supporting company and which is to start operation at the beginning of 2021. The search for a managing director for this supporting company has now been initiated by the consulting firm BGH Consulting with the aim of filling this position in spring 2021.
You can find further information here.